Managed Services

We provide Operational, maintenance and support service in telecommunication and Power Industries for infrastructure and services
The Managed service division role is to manage and deliver the Contractual Obligation of the following Contracts: BTS Maintenance, fiber maintenance & fixed data deployment.

  • BTS Maintenance
    Preventive Maintenance
    Fuel Supply and Logistics
    Generator Overhaul
    Spares and Consumables
  • Fiber Deployment
    Maintenance and deployment of the Fiber Network both Core and Access Provision of both temporary and permanent fiber routes within the same cluster
  • Fixed Data Enterprise
    Installation of WIMAX solutions
    Installation of Bespoke Solutions
    End User Support

Get in touch

For any  enquiries, leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

(+254) 720 361689
(+254) 726 257 631 <br>

Marist Lane, off Langata-Karen Road
P.O.Box 155-00502,
Nairobi, Kenya